DLMUP Changelog

Sunday 23rd of June 2024

UI Fix - DLMUP v1.4.8.0 now allows the UI to be dynamically resized.
Bug Fix - DLMUP v1.4.8.0 fixes a font color bug that appeared in all the DataGridViews.

Saturday 23rd of March 2024

Bug Fix - DLMUP v1.4.7.0 now fixes a bug where closing the main form X button crashed the application sometimes. Now it correctly minimizes to the system tray.
Bug Fix - DLMUP v1.4.7.0 now fixes a bug where clicking on the About tab dlmup link brings you correctly to the DLMUP website.

Thursday 7th of March 2024

Bug Fix - DLMUP v1.4.6.0 now truly fixes the null reference Status when starting timers (when there are none) from the system tray.
Bug Fix - DLMUP v1.4.5.0 now fixes Load/Save templates only showing *.tpl files when loading and saving.

Saturday 2nd of March 2024

Bug Fix - DLMUP v1.4.5.0 now fixes the null reference Status when starting timers (when there are none) from the system tray.
Bug Fix - DLMUP v1.4.5.0 now fills the whole screen for portrait mode monitors on angles 90 or 270.

Friday 8th of September 2023

UI Fix - DLMUP v1.4.4.0 now fixes various extra rows that were not needed on the Status Timers and Unpack Queue DataGridViews.
Bug Fix - DLMUP v1.4.4.0 fixes several small bugs with error handling when unpacking.
UI Fix - DLMUP v1.4.4.0 now correctly updates the label showing number of items left in the unpack queue.

Monday 1st of May 2023

Bug Fix - Timer Fix - DLMUP v1.4.3.0 now fixes the UiTimer that was maxing the CPU usage at 100%!

Wednesday 8th of March 2023

UI Fix - DLMUP v1.4.2.0 fixes the Status window so it no longer shows blue selected cells in the datagridviews.
Bug Fix - DLMUP v1.4.2.0 fixes also restored vertical scrollbars in the Status queue of archives to unpack.
Bug Fix - DLMUP v1.4.2.0 fixes the extra rows at the bottom of the datagridviews that were not needed.

Tuesday 7th of March 2023

New Feature - DLMUP version now targets .NET 6.0.
Bug Fix - DLMUP version now fixes the cancellation bugs and stop timers and clear queue bugs that plagued earlier releases.

Sunday 19th of June 2022

Bug Fix - DLMUP version has a hotfix for the disappearing Timers on the Settings control panel bug.

Thursday 16th of June 2022

Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes a bug where the "Stop Timers and Clear Unpack Queue" button didn't stop the timers properly.
Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes an intermittent bug where the timers disappeared from the Settings tab after the timers had been started.

Sunday 12th of June 2022

Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes a long standing bug where the targetArchive did not exist, causing a crash.
Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes a freezing bug by the folders being scanned were being used on the UI thread, thus overpowering the thread. It now does it all on separate threads, 1 for each timer.
Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes a bug where loading another timer template on top of the existing template caused weird UI errors.
Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes a bug where in certain circumstances, if the stop scan button was pressed, it didn't actually stop the scan completely.
Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes a bug where the time taken to unpack was incorrectly recorded and displayed.
Bug Fix - DLMUP version (hopefully) fixes a bug where sometimes the file being unpacked appeared twice in the Unpack queue.
UI Fix - DLMUP version removes the "Confirm Settings" button on the Status tab.
Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes the "this operation cannot be performed while an auto-filled column is being resized" bug that users got on initial install and application run.
UI Fix - UI Fix - DLMUP version v1.3.8.0 adds information on the Status tab's Unpacking label to show how many files are in the unpack queue.

Monday 14th of March 2022

Bug Fix - DLMUP version now properly resizes with Maximize/Minimize and Resize.
Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes a bug where Start/Stop Timers incorrectly started if a Timer setting was incorrect anyway.
Bug Fix - DLMUP version has new cleaned up code that now properly fixes the network folder bug on KeepSourceDirectoryStructure setting.

Sunday 6th of March 2022

Bug Fix - DLMUP version now fixes a KeepSourceDirectory bug while unpacking archives from a network drive
Bug Fix - DLMUP version now only utilizes 7z.dll v19.0.0.0 as some of DLMUP's libraries do not support 7z.dll v21.7.0.0

Monday 10th of January 2022

Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes the crash on Windows Controls Exit bug (clicking on top-right exit button).
Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes a bug that occurred when a timer(s) were in progress the Settings controls were not read-only.
New Feature - DLMUP version now utilizes 7z.dll version for enhanced decompression support
New Feature - DLMUP version adds a new button to the Status tab, and changes the title of each button to add clarity in what their function is.

Saturday 11th of September 2021

Bug Fix - DLMUP version fixes an 'index' bug which may occur when DLMUP sits idle for long periods in previous versions.

Tuesday 31st of August 2021

Bug Fix - Unpack progress bars have now been fixed in version
New Feature - DLMUP now targets .NET version 5.0. With this came many optimizations.
Bug Fix - Garbage collection has now been improved in DLMUP version This fixed various memory leaks.
New Feature - DLMUP version now shows if it is 64 or a 32 bit compiled executable.
New Feature - Version now uses the latest 7zip DLL's for both 32 and 64 bit versions.

Sunday 2nd of May 2021

New Feature - Unpack progress bar now shows correctly along with progress counter.

Sunday 8th of November 2020

New Feature - Timers now start instantly on pressing "Start Timers" button then they scan at the Interval setting
New Feature - DLMUP is now a single instance application.
New Feature - DLMUP now checks for free disk space before unpacking each archive. If there is insufficient disk space for the archive to be unpacked, the archive will be marked as "Bad" and skipped.
UI Fix - Changed "Preserve Directory Structure" to "Preserve Archive Directory Structure" to add clarity.
New Feature - DLMUP now supports "Keep Source Directory Structure". e.g. So if a source folder has an archive in: C:\1\2\3 and the target folder is: D:\Unpacked, it will unpack the archive into: D:\Upacked\1\2\3.

Sunday 20th of September 2020

Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where if a Timer Destination Folder was deleted during unpack, it would crash the program.
Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where if a Timer Template was invalid, it would ask for confirmation and then exit the application It no longer exits the application after the confirmation.
Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where the Timer combobox for Minutes and Seconds could cause a crash upon selection.

Saturday 12th of September 2020

Bug Fix - Fixed the timer scanning issue bug that took Timers double the time to start up. Now Timers start instantly after their initial countdown.
UI Fix - Refresh Timer Seconds column now has up to 59 seconds in the ComboBox dropdown instead of 60 seconds.

Thursday 10th of September 2020

UI Fix - Added closing of the Open and Save File Dialogs once Start Timers is activated.

Monday 7th of September 2020

Bug Fix - Added code to center MessageBox dialogs to the parent application window.

Sunday 6th of September 2020

Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where the Status timer messages showing time overdue were not accurate.

Wednesday 2nd of September 2020

Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where when Status window was closed, and then reopened from the System Tray icon, it failed to redraw the Settings tab.
Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where Source FolderName, Minutes, Seconds were not being committed to the FolderList after pressing OK on the Settings tab.

Tuesday 1st of September 2020

Bug Fix - Fixed the DLMUP Wix Installer copying over all essential files so the Release version now operates correctly after installation.
Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where if a filename had ".PART" in the filename apart from at the end, it would endlessly unpack in a loop

Sunday 30th of August 2020

Bug Fix - Now handles .PART rar multi volume files correctly using SharpCompress.

Sunday 23rd of August 2020

New Feature - Unpack Sub Folders now has 3 settings (none, archive, parent) for each Timer
Bug Fix - Timer Templates now won't save if there are no timers or incomplete timers in the Timer Settings DataGridView
New Feature - Added functionality for Timers to have subfoldered archives (such as subtitles) unpacked in a parent directory.

Saturday 2nd of May 2020

Bug Fix - Memory leak from timers fixed.

Sunday 26th of April 2020

Other - Scanning button and Scanning menu item from system tray have been removed. DLMUP only works on Timers now.
New Feature - Unpack Queue button has been added to allow the user to stop timers and clear up the unpack queue at the same time.

Saturday 25th of April 2020

New Feature - Updated SharpCompress to the latest stable release.
Bug Fix - Fixed an IOException when DLMUP wasn't releasing the resources it was using to test, then Unpack.
New Feature - Added a label so the user can see which archive file is currently being handled.
New Feature - Timer Templates are now located in their own subfolder. The Wix installer will create this automatically for the user.
UI Fix - Modified UI timer to refresh every 1 second instead of 2.
Bug Fix - DLMUP now correctly handles .001 files as 7-ZIP files instead of RAR.

Tuesday 21st of April 2020

Bug Fix - Correctly resolved the DataGridView's ComboBox value if checked or unchecked state.
Bug Fix - Added SharpCompress in to check Archive status.

Saturday 18th of April 2020

New Feature - Total number of bad and completed archives now summarised in real-time in Statistics DataGridView label on the Status page.
UI Fix - Renamed some DataGridView column headers to be more consistent with what they actually are.
New Feature - Users can now manually enter Timer's minutes and seconds values without clicking on DataGridView ComboBox dropdowns.
Bug Fix - ExtractionFailedException has been added to the list of exceptions caught in the "BAD" category.
Bug Fix - Changed the type of ArgumentException message to a more specific "BAD - Unknown Archive Error".
Bug Fix - Saving Templates was using the wrong delimiter. It was still using the old comma delimiter when it should've been a pipe.

Friday 17th of April 2020

Bug Fix - If DLMUPSettings.cfg does not exist on load then create it.
Bug Fix - DLMUP will now unpack to subdirectories regardless of whether it finds it in the Unpacked Archives list. It is completely dependent on whether it finds the DLMUP Complete file and it’s already being unpacked or not.
Bug Fix - Multiple tray icons not disappearing properly after DLMUP being run. Now it properly disposes of it’s resources including that of System Tray.
Bug Fix - The checkboxes Preserve Directory Structure and Unpack To Archive SubFolders were not saving to templates correctly based on their state.
Bug Fix - Preserve Directory Structure works but it was poorly named. If disabled it will unpack all files to the root of the target directory, not in the subfolders.
Bug Fix - UnpackerDataGridView now updates in real time and no longer has extra rows for duplicates.
Bug Fix - When halfway entering a row on Settings and you switch to status and try to hit OK, it used to crash.
UI Fix - If you don’t complete the Settings and go to Status and press OK it will show an error
Bug Fix - After previously adding a source folder. Then when you remove it, the header row disappears. Then if you add a new folder by dragging it, the header does not appear, and the source field is not populated.
Bug Fix - After previously adding a source folder. Then when you remove it and try to re-add it it does not display and the header shrinks.
UI Fix - When dragging and dropping the same folder it doesn’t draw any of them.

Thursday 16th of April 2020

New Feature - Mark bad archives with a BAD 0 byte log file.